News ID: 2452
Publish Date : 24 April 2018 - 11:43

Audi e-tron to offer 150kW charging

All-electric SUV claims driving range of over 400km
Khodrocar - The upcoming production version of the Audi e-tron prototype SUV has been confirmed to offer charging rates of up to 150kW.

Audi says the e-tron SUV will be the first car on the market to offer such capacity, meaning it will be able to cover "the next long stage of its journey” within 30 minutes.

While the company doesn’t confirm just how much battery charge or how many kilometres of range are replenished using the high-power charging (HPC) method, Audi does say the e-tron will offer over 400 kilometres of zero-emissions driving range from its 95kWh battery.

By the end of this year, German luxury marque claims there will be nearly 200 HPC charging stations throughout Europe, each with six charging points – equating to 1200 HPC points in total.

The Audi e-tron will also be compatible with conventional AC charging points, too.

Owners will also be able to choose from a pair of home charging options – the standard 11kW system or an optional 22kW unit.

The standard mobile charging system allows for up to 2.3kW of charging using a 230V household outlet, and up to 11kW when hooked up to a 400V three-phase connection. With the latter, the e-tron will fully charge in around 8.5 hours.

Meanwhile, there’s an optional connect charging system, which doubles the charge power to 22kW provided the vehicle is equipped with the optional dual-charger system.

For ease of use, the company will also utilise the myAudi smartphone app so owners can monitor the charging, pre-heating/cooling of their vehicle remotely.

The Audi e-tron is scheduled for an official debut and market launch – in Europe, at least – later this year. Stay tuned to CarAdvice for our coverage.

Source: Car Advice